Monday, December 8, 2008

Wii Is 2!

Wii is 2!!

The Wii is the leading forcing gaming right now. With Nintendo totally leading the market with sales, and everyone else trying to catch up, Microsoft are despratly trying to catch up, and Sony are attempting to rip Ninty off every more and more. (Natch)

And so Nintendo thought ti might be a good time to take a holidayn in Q3 and Q4 of 2008. Having been very strong and forth-going in Q2 and Q3, what with Super Smash Bros Brawl (One of the best games ever made by any company. Ever.) and Mario Kart Wii (The best online game on the format, plus one of the ebst this genneration.), plus btis ‘n’ bobs like No More Heroes, Zack & Wiki, and Boom Blox being squidged out from third parties.

And yet, after Brawl’s very late realise in Europe (27th June 2008. No, we didn’t look that up. We know it by heart. Mario Galaxy came out 16th Novmember 2007, and Mario Kart was 11th April 2008. We wish we weren’t as bright/sad.) Nintendo somewhat dropped their game, starting with E3.

Many people said Nintendo’s E3 performance was very poor this year, and while we personaly found their Wii Music demonstartion absolutely brilliant, it was somewhat lacking, with the only real new titles coming in the form of Animal Crossing’s latest port (Even if we loved it- Our full review is coming Friday.) and a sequal to the game that won Nintendo this free year off work: Wii Sports.

OK, there was also Wii Speak (Wii Voice Chat! At Last! Tell us there’s updates on Mario Kart and Smash Bros. already!!) and MotionPlus, which will be realised next year. Like the rest of Nintendo’s best game, such as Pikmin and Sin & Punishment, as confirmed at their fall confrence: Nintendo’s highlight of the year.

However, if there was one thing that ‘Saved’ the Wii’s second year, it’s that WiiWare is the ebst Online Downlaod Service In The World™. Begining with the brilliant launch lnie-up including Doctor Mario, Final Fantasy and LostWinds, and continuing with the likes of Bobmerman Blast, Tetris Party and the hilarious Strong Bad games (“Was there a secret time in Earth’s history when the world was ruled by hobos?”), but most of these where third-party titles, as this year was finaly when -No matter what Reggie Fils-Aimes says- third parties finaly “Got it.”

Thankfully then, 2009 loosk set to be better. We’ve got a full-on feature on that set to go up tomorrow, but untill then, continue to remember the basic facts of life: Zelda: Twilight Princess was a launch title. It’s one of the ebst games ever. Super Mario Galaxy was even better, and two of our editors here at KN belvie it to eb the single-greatest game of all-time. Super Smash Bros. Brawl? The greatest multi-player game ever made, with a fine amount of content for single-player.

Say what you like about Nintendo in 2008, just one entry in the “Top #15 Games Of All-Time List” should be a massive acheivment. Having one every single bloomin’ year on top of the top spot is the single greatest achivement any company can make.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Character War: The Survivors Speak Out! (Part Three)

Another part (At last!) of the speaches and stuff from survivors of the Character War. There are now less, with 9 untestifed contentants left, so there's 5 in this one, with only 4 in the next one, later tonight.


"Hey Kids! It's me! The one who was awosme in the late 80's and early 90s! Yeah, I suck now, but who cares? Sonic Unleahsed is the ebst of my 3D games, and that's new, so I should be a good memory! keep me here, guys! I'm also good in Brawl."


Kirby is unfortuantly only a baby, acording to Sakauri himself. (Even if they also state he's over 1000.) He's not yet able to speak properly. So we'll have his 'Friend' Metaknight talknig about his performance so far and chances of survival.

"Kirby is a master of many things at an early age, he just does not know how to use his mastery: In every possible way." He begins. "His enhaling ability means he has an edge over everyone else." King Dedede then chips in. "Hey, and he looks like a giant pink marshmellow, so everyone loves him!"


Oh heck. What do we do here? Yoshi can say very little that isn't "Yoshi!". Same problem with Mudkip comnig up. And the "Say Nothing" joke has been done to hell, so we'll just ignore this one and Mudkip, and comment on his ourselves.

Yoshi's KN Editor TR's all-time favorate game character. So he could easily win... Yoshi! Yoshi!


"I'ma going to wina---AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!"

And that everyone, is what happens when the average person sees Gibbon for the first time. Although Luigi's a bit of a scardey cat, he's been flung in a fair few haunted houses, so we reccon his reaction is a bit of an undertsatment.


\/\/3 |-|3|^|) |_| |_13|( /\/\|_||)|(19Z.

We'll be back later!

New Site Countdown #1

The blog will have a fair few less exclusives when the new site launches, but all the same: it won't be dead. So we can look forward to it. Out 12/12/08.

One new feature is the video player. They'll be lots of new videos & stuff. We won't spoil it all, but these kinda regular updates will explain more...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Lot's of long, long article and opinon posts latley, I thought I'd give you a quick one right now.

Actualy, this is mainly ebcause I'm taknig a moment off designing the new site, (12th December, folks! TWELTH OF DECEMBER!) and decided to check on a nubmer of Blogs. So: Here's my update on the KN Blog. The site's coming along nicley. And it's also Coming 12/12/08. Look out. It'll be MASSIVE.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Character War: The Survivors Speak Out! (Part Two)

Yes, we said it'd be tommorow, but who cares? A characters gonig otu soon, and we have no clue who it'll be, so we'd better get through 'em fast. Ish. Well, he's the responses from the remaining characters. ANYWAY. 20 Charcters remain. 32 have gone. 5 have given their opinons on the war. 5 more are about to. Well, here we go...

Professor Layton

"I'm not sure why Luke's still following me in here. But my word, haven't I done well? This puzzle just keeps on ticking, as a new challenge begins every day. There's not too much logic in this, but it engages my interlectual curiosity. I'm attempting to figure out what the story behind these events is. This is a puzzle..."

We almost understood what he was on about.

Captain Falcon

"I'll Just FAAAAACCCCCAAAAWWWWWNNNN PAAAAWWWWWNNNNCCCCHHHH my way through it all! Come on! Show me ya moves! This is too easy! Yes!"

Well there you go. Everyone's favourite Smash Bro.'s verdict.

Solid Snake

"Kept you waiting, huh? Well, I'm not going. Mainly because you won't be able to find me. I'll be standing realy still just over your shoulder. Inside a box. Wearing camo gear. Having stolen Harry Potter's invisibity cloak. Actualy, I won't of stole it- We're genuinly close friends."

Whatever you say, Snake. Whatever you say...

Sho Minamoto

"Ha! You zetta sons of digits! You realy think you can erase me from this pointless game? Hollow-sculled hectopascals! You're all garbage! CRUNCH! I'll add you to the heap! This is MY game now, and I only allow two things: Flawless Calculations... And Beauty! 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937 510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211 706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111!"


Fox McCloud

"Come in... This is Fox. Mission should be accomplished within 19 days. Over and out."

Dream on, Foxy boy.

Well.. That was part two. The current nominations to go out are Marth of Fire Emblem fame and Ammeritsufrom Okami. Funnily enough, both of them are due to be in Part Four. Which goes out after the end of the voting. Erm... Well, enjoy murdeorising characters!

Character War: The Survivors Speak Out (Part One)

So then, with only 20 Characters remaining in KN's first-ever Character War, 34 have been evicted. We've gone and asked the remaining 20 to give us the low-down on what's happened in the war so far, and what they hope you happen...


"Well, it'sa mea! I always win-a these thingsa! I can't go out! If I do-a? Mamma Mia! What-a-disast-a! But I won't-a! Wahoo!"

Erm, well there you go.


"It's been tough, and it's somehow taught me how to talk. Having won many a 'Best Character' contest, I'm sure I'll make it to the final at least. If I ever need to duke it out, I'm easily the strongest of everyone in the remaining roster. And, funnily enough, the only remaining villian is my nemesis. So I should enjoy watching him preish under my almighty power. FOR HYRULE!"


Neku Sakuraba

"I'm not much of a Gaming Superstar, and that makes me feel uneasy, and afterall- I'm just a normal 15 year old boy, afterall, no matter how strong I am with a bunch of Pins. So what? I'm a player. But, all the same, I've taken down almost every single Reaper within The Game, and I should be able to make my way out of this alive. Or dead. Whatever."

Well, we love you, Neku. Kinda.


"PK Victory! I'll be abl;e to win this. Afterall, did you see how awsome I was in that cutscene in Brawl? Yeah, I'm awsome."

Gorrila says "Yeah!" Rest of us? "Meh."

Samus Aran


Looks like she realy can't speak.

Come Back For The Next Part- Even if a character or two are gone...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Ocarina of Time: 10 Years On

If you're a gamer, there's no way you could of possibly escaped the word "Zelda" for more than a month within picknig up the pad. And if you havn't heard of that word, you've got no right to read this. Infact, use that handy, yet often useless, search bar tab in the top-right corner of Firefox to look it up. Enter the three key words "Ocarina", "Of" and "Time" as well, and most the results will carry a further three words: "Best", "Game" and "Ever".

The Zelda series is among the world's greatest franchises, be it games or TV, film or books. Besides Mario, the adventures of Link is Nintendo's flagship series, and when it comes to "Hardcore" gaming: There's nothing better than Zelda.

Future Zelda titles like Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess have tried to challenge Ocarina's crown, but have failed. Both where amazing games, but have a long way to go if they want to muster the magic of Ocarina of Time. Many will claim they where "The best Zelda ever" or "The new Ocarina of Time" at launch, but we all know that it -Quite frankly- isn't. Perhaps this is why Nintendo tryed to change the visual style straight after the second N64 3D Zelda: They couldn't top it, and they knew it wasn't worth trying. The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass are both amazing titles, and some of the best games ever, and not directly competing with the gaming might that is Ocarina of Time helps majorly when it comes to this sort of thing.

Infact, only a handful of titles do own the right to eb able to look Ocarina in the eyes. Okami on PS2 and Wii may have flopped when it comes to sales, but it's the closest challenger to the title that doesn't come from Nintendo it's self. Twilight Princess, Majora, Wind Waker and Link To The Past are all amazing games, and among the best Nintendo, heck, any developer have ever made. Yet Ocarina just floats above them.

The scale of Ocarina is also a major selling point. Back then, no other game was nearly as big as Ocarina. Maybe the same thing could be said of the likes of Grand Theft Auto IV nowadays, but we've seen big open worlds before. And in Zelda everything was pulled along by the story, and you never saw the lead characters commiting crimes. Link's a good guy, y' see?

Actualy, GTAIV just -To be honest- wasn't worth the hype. Ocarina of Time was known as the most anticipated game of that decade. And it surpased pretty much all expectations. Zelda's the best game ever now, and it still was even better back then.

"Hold it!" screams Phoenix Wright, the defense in the case against the other Zelda titles. "This is a ten year old title we're talking about here!". Well, yes it is. Sure, the screenshot from this year's Super Smash Bros. Brawl of Link in his Twilight Princess "Gear" may be nice on the eyes, (Even if he is firing an arrow right into it) but A). Twilight Princess was almost identical to Ocarina of Time, but with the abilty to play as a Wolf and the whole Twilight twist. Plus, B). Ocarina of time's eccence is yet to eb captured. And it's one so pure that even the Three Goddesses Of Hyrule have yet to discover how Nintendo managed to trap it in a bottle and then ram inside a Game Cart so sucessfully. And we dobut anybody will ever discover the true reason why Miyamoto's masterpiece is such a brilliant game. It just is.

IGN, Edge, RPGamer, EGM, NGamer, Famitsu... All these and far more have seen Ocarina Of Time top their "Top Games Of All Time" lists, and both Metacritic and GamesRankings have it at the top of their rankings. (For those who don't know what I'm on about, both of those sites basicly add up Review Scores and find the average review score. Ocarina is the only game at the moment to have 97%. Super Mario Galaxy and GTAIV have breifly taken over, but Ocarina has got it back before long.) This just goes to show: Ocarina of Time is the Best Game Ever, and it rightfully deserves it. No matter how much longer Nintendo go on making games, it pretty much definatly won't be topped. Actualy, we can probaly safley say that no matter how long the games industry go on, Ocarina of Time will still stand as at the top spot.

See you for our 100th Aniversary Celebration in 2098.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Opinon: Heroes Fallen

Kid Icarus, F-Zero, Starfox... All fo these featured in our E3 countdown way back in July, when we hoped for a new game in the series. Kirby, Zelda, Pikmin, Mario and Punch Out!! have all recieved a new sequal, and Nintendo have even revived Sin & Punishment- The ultra-hardcore cult classic realised on the N64 in Japan when the console was nearing the end of it's life. It may never of reached the west on it's original cartidge form, -Infact, an original S&P cart is worth upwards of £100 these days- but when it eventualy reached the Wii's Virtual Console last year, it got the popularity it deserved, promting Nintendo to make a sequal. But the best selling VC N64 game -Besides Zelda and Marios, and S&P- is F-Zero X. So how come Nintendo hasn't made a Wii version then? Surely if something hardcore that could still be enjoyed by the 'Mainstream' or 'Casual' audience due to any motion controls Nintendo may stick in there wouldn't go down badly?

But then again, no Nintendo system has got through it's lifepsan without a F-Zero title since it was created back in 1992 on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the same goes for StarFox. Ok, there was Command on DS, but besides that we've seen nothing from Fox, Falco and Slippy The Berk on Wii outside Smash Bros., inwhich they even made them far weaker that in the GameCube version, despite the far incressed foxy love poured into the game.

OK, maybe Smash isn't the be-all-and-end-all as some fans (Even though our 'Other Ed' Grancko belives) but it is the only way Nintendo are keeping some franchises alive these days. There's 5 Mario characters, 5 Zelda characters, 4 Pokémon Characters (or, depending on who you ask, 6) and then many from other Nintendo franchises. Mainly covering the big ones, it's still a suprise to see that Nintendo's posterchild of Hardcore Gaming (Besides Zelda), Metroid, only recives one character and an alternate version of that one if you hold L & R o the Character Select menu or use their Final Smash. And yet, there's already been a Metroid game on Wii AND DS: Something only Mario and Zelda have accomplised besides Ol' Massive Shoulderpads.

But! Let's not complain too much. There's a new Kirby out on DS next month, even if it's a rehash of an old one, and then we've got Animal Crossing: Another member of Samus, Mario & Link's "Wii and DS!!" club. Not forgetting Sin & Punishment: A series we thought long-dead. Another Code, Punch Out!! and Pikmin are all also set to do the whole "Rwise From Your Gwavez" thing next year two. And now that the Fall Confrence has shown that the Old Nintendo are still in there, we wouldn't be suprised to see F-Zero or Kid Icarus announced during next year's E3.

Oh yeah, and Nintendo, please get to work and realise a new trailer of that new Wii Zelda game. K TNX BY.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Opinon: Best Game Music

Here I'm sat, writing this article, with YouTube open, and Three Minutes Clapping playing. When it finishes -Right after I've linked it, infact- I change over to Transformation. And Twister follows. And then Mute City. And Live And Learn. And A New Venture. And then much of the Smash Bros. Brawl and The World Ends With You soundtrack.

See, I've seperatly written an article -Which will go up on the new site in December!- on whether game music actualy matters, and so this is an article on my person #10 Favroate game songs of all time. I've mentioned my favorate Characters in my last article, so I supose I'll give this a shot...

1). The Legend Of Zelda: Titles Theme (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
2). Twister/Twister Remix (The World Ends With You)
3). Hidden Village (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
4). The Great Sea (The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker & Phantom Hourglass)
5). Three Minutes Clapping (The World Ends With You)
6). Super Mario Galaxy Main Theme (Guess.)
7). Super Mario Bros. (Almost every Mario game)
8). Corneria (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
9). Tabuu's Theme & Final Destination (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
10). Mute City (F-Zero GX & Super Smash Bros. Brawl)

Many a Sonic song (Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Dah-Dah-DAH!) also almost made it no there, as more from TWEWY (Someone is Caaaallllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggg....) and, frankly, it was realy hard to pick anyway. But I think that's my definative list, so there you go. All should be on YouTube, so try looking 'em up. It'll be good for you.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Opinon: The UK's Top #10 Characters

Sonic. That's who the UK voted their favorate game character of all time. Sonic. The. Hedgehog. Not Mario as would of been expected, (He won Gamesmasters poll earlier this year, with Sonic in second and Link in third, afterall) but SONIC. A character who has been rather off-form latley. Sure, Chronicles, Secret Rings and the Rush games where good, but nothing on the likes of Super Mario Galaxy. Other followers to the hedgehog's crown? Lara Croft only got there because of her body shape, and the size of her "Assets" which is sad to say she's on a far better form now gameplay-wise than Sonic, even if Tomb Raider Annviersary left me tearing my hair out.

Ol' DK follows. Why? It's pretty mcuh sumemd up ni the scene from The Simpsons where he throws the barrell at someone's heard after they tell him "You suck!". A passer-by's opinon? "Hey, he's still got it!". But the even better example of this is Number Five: Pac-Man. He's even more dodgey then Sonic these days, (Pac-Pix was his best agme of recent days, if only because it isn't a rehash or badly-made game. And that was back in 2005.) but it's nostalgia that lives on in everybody's hearts. Sonic 2 is one of the ebst 2D platformers ever, (Only matched by Super Mairo World, infact) and Pac-Man's status as a household name and a bonda-fide classic is what assured it a place here.

I think it's about hime, half way through my opinons/judgement on the list, to say what MY Top #10 would be, where it up to me. Who are my favorate #10 characters of all-time? Watch and you will learn.

#01: Yoshi
#02: Luigi (Well, Mario, but Luigi>Mario anyday)
#03: Link
#04: Neku Sakuraba
#05: Sonic The Hedgehog
#06: Captain Falcon
#07: Sho Minamoto
#08: Mudkip (And Snorlax/Munchlax)
#09: Lumas (By Extension, Rosalina) (Super Mario Galaxy)
#10: Donkey Kong

No doubt there's a couple of choices that everyone will be thinknig "What the heck?" about, but all the same, they're my opinons. Many will certainly disagree with my Luigi>Mario, and putting one TWEWY character in, let alone two, and one of them is even in the Top #5. A). I think that Neku & Pi Face deserves it, and B). This is the opinon of one person.

But this survey was of lots of peeps, and is suposedly the officialy "Thing" run by the London Games Festival. And so, I heave back to my slog through the results. But nto before shwonig everyone Sega's way of celebrating the fact that they are finaly the victors over Mario...

Let's be glad they don't have that happen too often, then...

Oh, hang on, it's just Chunky promoting his new Tidey TV/KNTV collaberation.

So: Back to the official list, and we've just stumbled across Link. He was #3 in my list, and double that in the official one. (I'll call drop the quoteatino makrs in "Official" from now) The hero of Zelda is one of the best characters ever, no matter what incarnation he's in. The "Toon" form is my favorate, but it could be "Adult" Link, Young Link or any toehr Link at any other time of the day. Basicly, though, Link is an amazing character, even if he's yet to learn to speak.

But next up? Max Paine. How the heck did he squeeze his way into the list? His games are usualy bellow-par, just as the new film, but that's probaly what got him all his votes, all the same. An unworthy chocie, great british public. Just as Pikachu. Sure, he's the face of Pokémon, but I had a far mroe awsome Pokémon at the same spot in my list. (It was a coinicdence) Pikachu's an idiot. It's about time another 'Mon took the role as lead. Say, Lucario? Or better yet, Mudkip & Snorlax's tag-team.

Ah, but the best bit of the list? Niko Belic from Grand Theft Auto IV. Sure, ti's new, and, sure, many peopel love it, but form what I've seena dn played, Niko is a moron, and definatly not the sort of character you'd bring home to meet your folks. OK, this is a bit of a rant from me, even being a gamer, I'm still not exactly a GTA fan. I recon many peopel have "Got" that already, so there we go. I'll leave Niko there, even though a simualy-named character would have been a better choice. Hint: Replace the 'I' with a 'E' and the 'O' with a 'U'...

Blanka's the last entery on the list. Blanka? What the heck? She's a more-or-less unheard of Street Fighter, um, fighter. ANYONE would of been better than her. Who chose her anyway? Did they only ask 10 people?

To conclude this, I'll say what i think "By rights" should of been the list. Well, I'll do the Top #5, anyway...

#1: Mario
#2: Sonic
#3: Link
#4: Lara Croft
#5: Donkey Kong

Those are game characters who have genuinly made an impact on the world. While Pac-Man could of taken Number #5, Donkey Kong is still going strong, as the likes of DK Jungle Climber and more prove. Lara Croft's taken the world by storm, and despite a dip in quality control about 7 years ago, Legend, Annviersary and the upcomnig Underworld prove she's back on top. And Sonic's worthy of anything in the top five but Nubmer One. Only one character is allowed that: Super Mario.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Opinon: State of Play: DS RPGs

Having reviewed Sonic's first RPG, the DS' own Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, it left me with an odd taste in my mouth: When I reviewed the game, I hadn't quite finished it, but now I'm literaly at the tail end of the game, (Just the last boss to go, peeps!) it leaves me a question: What Next?

Sure, there's a sequal, but it's not realy what I'm after. The Sonic Role-Playing-Game idea was fun, afterall, and I've actualy enjoyed it more than it's DS rival, Mario & Luigi: Parnters In Time, but even a third game in that series leave a gap unpluged in my RPG diet. I can't actualy figure out what it is. TWEWY seems to of filled it, but sureley's there's somethnig else...?

Sigma Harmonics looks very promising, but that's about two years off. It's my most-anticipated DS game, coming largley from the same teams as The World Ends With You and Chrono Trigger. Actualy, while writing that sentance, it hit me that Chrono Trigger DS is comnig out next month in the US/early next year over here, and maybe THAT could fill the gap? Somehow, I doubt it. Final Fantasy IV is also out now, so it looks like untill I find a way to get back into Contact, it's back down to the shops for one more Square-Enix DS Epic.

I'll recomend Contact while I'm at this DS RPG "Spree" on the KN blog, mind. A Grasshopper-developed Handheld RPG? Sounds good already. It's only £10 in Gamestation, UK Readers, and it's worth it if only for the moment where hero (Ish. The plot with the whole "Characters" thing is complex) Terry ends up in an Airforce training ground. Seriously, it's superb

Oh! But I guess it's time to go. Sonic Chronicles' last boss is waiting: And we can't have that!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Opinon: Year In, Year Out

FIFA ‘09 was realised on the 3rd October 2008. And, as a result, everyone buys it, and we wouldn’t be remotely surpised if it gets to the top of the 2009 sales charts in Britan, just as it did last year.

HOLD IT! Didn’t we say that it got the top of the charts “Last Year”, despite being realised in “2008”? Well… It was, only you’d more commonly know it as FIFA ‘08. Because the differences are little-to-none, as with every FIFA game. Every year, they promise “Revolutionary new engines” and “Amazing next-gen graphics and physics”. Every year they fail. Yet EA’s football game isn’t the only one guilty of this, oh no…

Activision and EA are quicker and quicker growing to be bigger and bigger evil corporations. Sure, EA realsies the likes of MySims and stuff which are actualy great fun, but compare that to the amount of games they re-realsie Every. Single. Year. Not to mention Activision’s merger with Blizzard, allowing them to also squeeze extra money in from Vivendi’s products.

FIFA, NBA, Tiger Woods, Need For Speed, Madden NFL, Smackdown, James Bond, Sim City, Medal of Honor, NHL, Boogie, and then the thankfully axed ones like Rugby, Cricket, Baseball and so on…

But -Frankly- The question we need to ask is DO WE NEED ALL THESE GAMES? Well, we’r enot complaining, but it seems as soon as you’ve spent fourty of your well-earned pounds, walked home and are just untieing your shoe lases, another FIFA game is realised. Sure, we’re using FIFA as the only example, but look at the current state of gaming in the UK. A certain member of the team happens to know someone who owns 12 FIFA games, that’s FIFA ‘02-’09, with the three streets, and ‘08 on both 360 and PS2.

And, frankly, that’s what sums it up. The person in question owns next to no other games. Realising a new FIFA game every year without fail and without much change should eb classed a a crime. Sure, Pro Evo’s not exactly evolving every single year, but Komani can hide behind their brilliant Gameplay, EA can’t.

Activision on the other hand… Their just lazy. Sure, we probably couldn’t programme a game year on year with time to rush out other ports and movie tie-ins, it’s still not exactly a good way to get a thumbs up from us.

We won’t beat around the bush here. At least Data Design are trying.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Character War

Go andf vote out your least favorate characters in the Knight-Nui Character War! Currently on Round #11, 13 Characters have gone so far, and many still remain. (Should be 37, probaly) Who will be crowned champion? Well YOU can help decide!

Visit the Character War and vote for your least favorate today!


Sorry for lack of updates latley. We'll have more soon. promise.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Opinon: Sin & Punishment 2 Is Coming!!

Many a time in history, I've wanted Nintendo or a simular company to make a game, or whatever product, and they haven't done so. I wanted an Internet Browser built into the next "Edition" of the DS, I wanted Punch Out!! Wii confirmed at E3, and I wanted to see a new Mario RPG on DS, following on from Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time last year. In the end, none of these came. Until today.

See, Nintendo's Press Confrence '08 brought my dreams to life, but my highlight of he confrence was something that I didn't think of: Something I wasn't expecting, or dreaming of 5 minutes before E3.: Sin & Punishment 2.

The first game was an N64 Game, only ever realised in Japan, largley due to the timing as it appeared in the end of the console's lifespan. Untill recently when Nintendo of Europe (Who we infamously hate here at KN) decided it'd make an awsome addition to the Virtual Console libary, and so began the Hanabli Festival, seeing that games that didn't see the light of day in Europe finaly came out, and then hero Saki got a place in history outside The Land Of The Rising Sun and Importer's Hearts.

Having rushed to buy Wii Points soon as it was out, I played it rather far, eventualy temperoly deleting it because of space reasons. However, today I sat through the painfully long loading times of re-downloading a game, and LOVED IT. Basicly, it's a 3D On-Rails Shooter, where you shoot at robots a lot, but it always remains fresh and new. Oh, and challenging.

This fact that it's developed by Treassure (Looks like this was there "Mysterious Wii Project") means one thing: (Well, two) It's be hard as nails, yet extermely good. There's no doubting Treassure, they never let anyone down.

Punch Out!! may be good, (No, more then that, brilliant) but Sin & Punishments sits closley at the top of my "Most Anticipated" list.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Opinon: Sorry, When Did The World End?

"The World Ends With You 18th April" said CVG in one headline in Febuary, stating the news that the launch date for Square-Enix's latest game had just been realised. Yet, I'm waiting now, and it's yet to happen. No, we're not hoping that the LHC Experiment will go wrong, (Although, personaly, I am) but for myself to stop playing The World Ends With You.

I won't beat around the bush here: I reviewed TWEWY in April and awarded it an amazing 96%, and , y' know what? Now I think i've under-rated it. Since, thankfully, KN runs on a unqiue (I belive) system where we will update a score after 3 Months if necesery, I was able to bump the score up 1%... But it still dosn't feel right.

For a game that's kept me ammused for severla months straight and I still see no signs of me growing bored of it, and the flaws I'm finding are minimum, and I've still got plenty of depth to go through in the game, it is genuinly rare to find a game where you clock up 175 Hours of Play Time and there's still somthing to surpise you, let alone on a handheld.

The main plot was definatly the highlight, but it didn't stop at the "Ending". I'm still to unlock the bonus ending after collecting all the Secret Reports, and can't wait to see the final bit of the TWEWY story.

Straight afdter buying it and playing it for the first time, there was a post somewhat simular to this I left on the KN IGN Blog. But then I didn't see it's poential. I was, oooh, one hour in. Now I'm over one hundred times that far in, and still love it.

This may seem mad, but for me this is The Game Of The Year.

The KN Facts 'n' Figures Report!

KN Statistics, records and more.

I had a random thought earlier this week, and then got bored today. The result? The First-Ever Knight-Nui FNF Report! Fileld with all the useless facts about Knight-Nui you need to know... And then some. And then, just to top it off, you realise you've only read the first bit. Or somthing. But, basicly, here's some KN Records & Stuff...



-The most members that have ever joined in one day is 4. This occured on July 11th 2006, (Our opening day) May 27th 2007 and then July 4th & 30th 2008.

-The member with the msot posts is Toaroni (Duh) with 14,366 Posts as this is posted.

-There are 17 Members who have broken the 100 Posts Barrier.

-A further 5 have made 1000 Posts.

-Just one member has past 10,000 Posts, but a second is on their way.

-All thanks to Spam Bots who havn't been validated/have been banned, there are 6 pages on the "Top ten posters" Member's list which are blank.

-Ignoring them, Nazo is the member with the least posts officialy.

-Fourty-Six members have no posts...GET POSTING YOU LAZY LUMPS!


-There are 4028 Topics on the Forum.

-April 16th 2007 was the day with the most new topics made, as a whopping 74 New Topcis where created.

-The Top Three Longest Topics are 1). Super Smash Bros Brawl in the Nintendo section, 2). Doctor Who Episode Countdown in the Who section and 3). Count To 1000, with 1356, 1033 and 814 Posts respectivly.

Forum Sections

-The Forum with the most views is the Forum Games section, with an amazing 12360 Count of times the forums been looked at. This is followed by 10192 in Genneral Discussion and 10012 in Nintendo. KN News comes after this, having more then 9000.

-Games also trumps the "Most posts" catagory, with 4457 Replies to date. However, thsi award could go to Genneral Discussion, as it's realy only a sub-catagory under it.

-The least on he other hand goes to the "'09 Spechials/Series Five" section in the Doctor Who bits. GET POSTING, KIDS.

-The "Most Topics" record goes to Gaming News, with a massive 997, and then there's more than three News Stories today to report...

Personal messages

-If the "How many PMs do you Have?" topic is to be trusted, then the member with the most PMs (Personal Messages, not Prime Ministers, that is) is Toaroni who, in a new update from the previous record, now has 576 PMs.

-Feb. 12 2008 saw 53 PMs fly into Cyber-Space, while April 5th 2007 had one more get sent, witha grand total of 54. Intrestingly, three days previous was only two off matching the record of it's Two-Day-Later Brother.


-Currently, KNTV has exactly double the amount of Subcribers as Friends.

-206 Videos are currently uplaoded on KNTV.

-No member of staff is bothered to count how many where actualy made by one member of staff or another.

-The largest series is The Doomy Blastoise, spanning 31 Episodes, Four trailers and two spin-offs.

-Smash Bros. Brawl is the Non-KN "Thing" with the most videos, and that's followed by Disaster: Day of Crisis. No one knows how that happned.

-The Two most popular videos on KNTV are the LEGO Music Video and the Doctor Who clip "Are You My Mummy?" from The Poison Sky. These trump both the most-viewed and most-dsicussed catagories. The LEGO Music Video has 48,397 Views right now, and 46 Comments, while the good doctor swung 2,716 Viewers to watch his clip, and had 22 of them comment on it.

-Both videos also have an average rating of 5/5. LMV has 74 Ratings, while AYMM has 7. Quite a diffrence, there.

-Roughly 67% of all KN Videos aren't rated.

-TR just made that up/figured that out on the spot.


Hope you enjoyed that. We'll have another version up soon, along with the "Mentionable Achivments..." bit. For now, enjoy the stats 'n' stuff!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

KNTV One Year Aniversary

Taken From KN News

Sooo... Knight-Nui Television was launched one year ago on the 22nd September. It's a major event, and sicne the original launch, 181 Videos have been uploaded, and over 100 Pieces of Original Content have been realise so far, including four totaly original series and then some "Parodies Videos" and stuff as well.

KNTV was original created on the 16th September in PM Conversations between Toaroni and Knightghost with input from Grancko and Gibbon, and has sicne flourished. The fact that one new series was launched on Wednesday (Or Thursday, preior to the delay) and then there's a brand-spanking-new episode of KNTV's Flagship Show, The Doomy Blastoise, (Which is now in it's third season) premiering later today is the proof in the pudding, KNTV Is still going strong.

The current most popular video remains the LEGO Music Video, (And there's a new annoucnment to be amde soon o that front...) with, as this is posted, 45,099 Views and 43 Comments.

With more stuff to come soon, too- A Gorrila written-and-directed (Plus input from a certain Toaroni) Batman movie, Gibbon's massivly ambitious for such a small studio Altenrate Option, and then a fourht series of The Doomy Blastoise and another new show, Illusion covering Dave Jone's adventures in the world's worst Detective Agency.

On top of all that, there's much more too be comfirmed. And maybe the third episode of Smash Saga may be realised at some point...

But to celebrate such a big event, something is being done, right? Well, correct. So there's going to be at least Three Videoes being uploaded over the corse of the next 9 Days, which should mean that the video count will make it to The Big 200 by Thursday...

All this is kicking off with the next episode of The Doomy Blastoise at sometime between 4:15 and 5:00, and then there's the second adventure in Pichu: Hit & Run and maybe even the legendary Third Episode of Smash Saga!

Keep an eye out. Lots of cool stuff headed your way.


Countdown: Sarah-Jane Series Two!

Sooo... Torchwood' s second series was over in April. Doctor Who's forth series began the day after. Since it ended in July (At the top of the TV UK Rating Charts for the first time ever in Doctor Who History, no less.) we've had nothing to watch at all. We're still waiting for the SJA 1 and DW 4 Boxsets. (And then the cut roudn the edges on the Torchwood 2 one, as if it wasn't enough) But aremd with the DVD versions of the First Three series we put up with the afct that we'd be waiting, and ragged on through the year. Yet, just as the BBC realsies that Who head writer Russel T. Davis calls "The first proper rival to Doctor Who", Merlin, CBBC are planning to launch a bigger and better series as two weeks after: Series Two of The Sarah-Jane Adventures.

Begining with what could easily be the series' biggest story to date -The Last Sontaran- this is promising to be the best series yet, and possibly the greatest Spin-Off Doctor Who has ever had. The epicness knows no bounds, as we see a Fifty-Year-Old Woman fighting entire epires of Sontarans, (Or at least their spectacular battle fleet ship from Doctor Who's The Sontaran Stratogem) and the exit of the beloved Maria Jackson, so that actress Yasmin Page can do her GCSEs.

Possible spoielrs may be in this paragraph, but a recent trailer stars Maria saying "It's me... Or the Earth!". So will she be biting the dust later in Episode Two? I doubt it, personaly, as they couldn't bring themself to kill a major character in Doctor Who, (With a couple of exceptions, such as Adric, Harriet Jones, The Master and The Doctor himself) and even the darkest Torchwood scripts have them come back to life next episode. (Although Owen & Tosh did end up being finished off in Exit Wound, the series two finale) That, and Digital Spy have claimed that "2.2 Is not the last you see of her this series"...

Very exciting then. As this is posted, it's 8 days to go. I'll update the blog with more and more articles on SJA 2, and then no the actualy date -29th September, everybody! TWENTY-NINTH OF SEPTEMBER!!- KN will have a review of the first episode on the day of broadcast, plus mroe stuff. And then this will continue right through the running time, untill the series ends in December, and Doctor Who comes back on Christmas day.

Ahh... Life as it should be... Hang on, what do you mean there's no Doctor Who series in 2009?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Price Isn't Right. (But We Are)

OPINON/ARTCILE: By Gibbon-Master

It's funny to look at the current state of games these days, what with Carnival Games receving 93% in The Sun,* (Same score as NGamer gave Brawl, another controversal game score, but for entirely diffrent reasons) yet under 30% in more credible reviews, and selling like hot cakes, and leaving us to watch as our reviews of things like Zack & Wiki, Okami and The World Ends With You (94%, 96% and 97% respectivley) sell no one anything. Is that how far we've come these days, that people don't actualy care if they're buying somthing good?

A couple of years back, Goldeneye and Super Mario 64 where selling very well. Because they where great. These days, it seems that Big Beach Sports and Games Party are selling... Because they're bad.

This can end up boiling down to one simple, cold-hearted plee: Listen to reviews. Tell you friends to listen to reviews. Yes, thoughs games are cheaper, but things like NiGHTS and Guilty Gear can be found for under £10. Don't look at the rpice. Walk into a shop with a clear vision of what you're buying in your head. Don't have enough for a copy of Okami? Either pick up that Metroid Prime 3 Disc gathering dust on the shelves, which recieved a rather healthy 95% from us and many have rated it even high, or just don't buy anythig there at all. Simple as that: Know the games you after. And buy them.

*We would like to note that no one here at KN actualy reads that rubbish in The Sun. Except online for Doctor Who stuff. Like how Albert Einstine was onboard the Titanic last Christmas.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Virtual Reality


So then, that's Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Out now in Europe, for the first time. Ever. It's only been out in Japan for 20-Odd Years. But why stop there? Mother was never realised in Europe, and that's one of the greatest RPGs ever made, (Ask Gorrila.) Bangai-O didn't come out over here, (There's a new DS Version, but that's WAAAAAAY to hard. Even for Bangai-O.) and even then, who said it had to be Hanabi Festive (AKA Ninty Europe's Grand Import Dance Celebration) Games? There's till the likes of Super Mario Kart, Starwing and most of the N64 Back cataloge are yet to be realised in Europe.

Frankly, it makes it seem like Nintendo's skimming over when I come to think about it. One VC game a week? Some weeks without any? Hardly any Nintendo first-party games at all? Frankly, somthing needs to be done about the state of this, and now.

So I decided I might as well make a "Top #5" list, because the world needs more of them...

1). Earthbound/Any Mother Game
2). Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
3). Super Mario Kart
4). Super Smash Bros.
5). Starwings

Even then, I had to cut all Rare titles, all lcienses, (Even though only Goldeneye would get anywhere near) and pretty much all of Square-Enix's games. (Mario RPG was 900 Points in Japan as well, due to licensing issues from Square.) Shame, as I've never played Secret of Mana, and am desperate to do so without spending tons of a SNES and the Cartidge.

So: I conclude. Nintendo needs to do somthing. Sure, it's cataloge is fine now, what with all the Mario, Zelda, Metroid and more avalible now, but there's still somthing missing. Namley: A kid in a cap named Ness.

-TR, KN Editor & Admin

Friday, August 22, 2008


Now we'd like to annoucne somthing fairly major for the KN Blog- No lnog er will it only be the "Knight-Nui Blog", but also the "Knight-Nui Staff Blog". Not only will the staff still be posting the latest Kn News, plus they'll now be posting your somewhat mroe Common-Or-Garden Blog Entries, ranging from quick "Opinon Pieces" to views into things related to KN, Gaming, LEGo Or Doctor Who.

You'll now also be seeing at least one of these a week, as a new one will go out every Friday!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

GC Countdown #2

More for our Last-Minute Games Covention Countdown, then, as Gibbon takes a look at what he wants to see on Wii from SEGA tommorow...

Gibbon: Jet Set Radio
Welcome to Shibuya, home of TR's Fav., The World Ends With You, and the my favorate Third-Party gmae of all-time: Jet Set Radio.

Also known as Jet Grind Radio, basicly, it saw you doing stuff. Erm, that's not a very good description, and Sega have said that their "Secret Game is NOT Jet Grind Radio", but anyway. This would be perfect with Wii Controls, and all graffiting would also work very well. Basicly: Sega, if you're reading this, produce one more rubbish movie Tie-In or Sonic Spin-Off insted of this, and I'll come round to your house and shoot EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU dead. Remeber that next time you confirm a game, and think of me....

GC Countdown #1

OK, it's not the E3 Countdown, but we felt we should at least do SOMETHING for GC. So begins our dreams of SEGA'S "Big" Wii Game (Although it's pretty much confirmed as House of the Dead: Overkill)

TR: Sonic

Well, he's been a bit off-form, but here's what I dream SEGA are planning: Black Knight is gonig to be scrapped, with a different sequal for The Secret Rings is comnig out insted, with more of the same, but FAR more of the same. Plus the Mini-Games are of a Monkey Ball quality, and there's some lovely 2D Co-Op (Sonic & either Blaze or Tails. Maybe Knuckles. No one else) Side-Scrollnig levels, neatly fitted in with the normal gamesplay, a la Super Mario Galaxy... And we could have the game of whatever year it comes out. Just leave out everyone but Sonic, Robotnic (And call him that, not "Eggman") and Tails (Plus Blaze- She's good enough, I supose) ans Sega, man, are you onto a Winner.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Re-Vamp Update #14

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 4:35PM GMT: Two Mintues To Go! TR is fighting everything to get all done. Should be good. And it will. TWO MINTUES!!!

Re-Vamp Update #13

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 4:35PM GMT: Sorry, extra tiny little delay. TR almost destroyed the whole of KN, and so it took him an extra bit of time to do it. 4:40 is the New Time.

Re-Vamp Update #12

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 4:05PM GMT: Blimey. Is that the time? 20 Minutes left? Oh. Right then, we;re even more go-go-go, even grancko. He's almost completed Target Smash level 4 as Every Character.

Anyway, Gibbon's preview is in, and reads well and all that stuff. TR's News Article is still being written, as we guess it'll take slightly more then 25 Minutes to finish, espechialy since he still has 3 other things to do.

But, basicly, we doubt we'll manage to squeeze many more updates into our packed schedual- Just start your own countdown and remember, KN is Back at 4:25 PM GMT. 20 Mintues then...

P.S. We may have to add a Five-Minute Delay. If we're not back online by 4:30, then you can thump us all with sticks afterwards.

Re-Vamp Update #11

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 3:45PM: Huh? It was just TEN MINUTES since we last wrote an update? Surely it was far, far, FAR longer ago? Half an hour at least...

OK, it's felt like a long time here, but that's because of how much has got done. TR's installed our final code, Gibbon's began to 'Hand In' his reports from E3, TR's began to write up the News Article for the re-Vamp, Grancko's beatn Classic Mode as Pokémon Trainer...

OK, maybe that last one wasn't so important, but we're just saying, it's been all GO-GO-GO!!!!! here at KN over the last ten minutes, and it's only gonig to get MORE hectic as we get closer. Oh, as for the "Proper" Update you're all after? Well Gibbon's finished his Hands-On report on Animal Crossing: City Folk. Yet another reason to be excited about the new look...

Re-Vamp Update #10

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 3:35PM: Exactly one hour now. Yes, there's been a 20-Minute Delay. Long story. But anyway, look to the top of KN Now! It's got a little logo next to the name! Isn't it great and stuff?

OK, a proper update on how we're doing- Last-Minute codes being added before our final big hoo-har with all the stuff. Blimey, is it getting exciting. And tense over here at KN Towers. Espechialy for Gibbon, who's being yelled at by TR every couple of seconds. Type you Monkey, TYPE!!!

Re-Vamp Update #9

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 3:11PM: Roughly just One Hour to go untill the big moment! [Did you here that Gibbon? JUST ONE HOUR!! -TR] Well, as for updates, just the final graphics and Gibbon's work to go, unless we encounter a sudden problem, in which case we'll let you all go!

Re-Vamp Update #8

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 2:54PM: Most text stuff done but Gibbon's work, (Which is probaly done, but TR's yet to see it, so it doesn't count) and TR is just finishing off the odd code and graphics. Not long now, folks...

Re-Vamp Update #7

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 2:31PM: Funny, it looks like we've planend these updates- They're pretty much exactly half an hour apart. But nope, it's just a concidense, but anyway.

We're moving onto the "Final Stage" shortly, but are first running a quick 'DeBug' thingy to stop any problems getting through, but we can't guarentee everything, so fi you find anything, report it t us straight away. Erm, when We're Back Online in Two Hours, that is.

Re-Vamp Update #6

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 2:04PM: Phew! Most updates done! Should be ready a bit earlier then. Say, 4:30? We're putting our all into this, see? Seriously, w're worknig out hearts out. Gibbon's writting up features like mad, and TR's altering graphics, making new ones and enterig lines of code as if he where some sort of crazy chesecake-swallowing hippo, and Grancko's clocking up a new world record for the most time spent on Smash bros. Brawl ever. Surely it'll come to some good...?

Re-Vamp Update #5

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 1:35PM: Approaching the final stages. Hope the wait isn't getting to bad for everyone now! Far more logs today, and that's a promise. Everything will be covered..

Re-Vamp Update #4

CURRENT STATUS: 30/7/08- 1:02PM: Firstly, we would like to appologise for a short delay. We have failed to reach the Midday Deadline, but we guarentee to be up properly with all new stuff in tact at 5:15 PM GMT today, the 30th July.

Other news? All forum changes sorted, a big suprise has been added, too...

More soon! We promise to keep the updates more frequent now!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Re-Vamp Update #3

CURRENT STATUS: 29/7/08-1:05PM: Around 60% of changes have been made. We're flying along, and should be finished on deadline by Midday Tommorow (Or, if you're American, early morning tommorow)

Monday, July 28, 2008

100th Blog Post!

No Re-Vamp news, here, just celelbrating ONE HUNDRED posts on the Knight-Nui Blog!

It started on Febuary 25th 2007, as an extra branch of the KN network beign run by TR. Since then, he had to give up no the blog to focus on the site & YouTube Channel, and has handed it onto Gibbon, who has since continued it, even if he's forgotten on occasions. But anyway, it's our Century!! Whoopie!!

Re-Vamp Update #2

CURRENT STATUS: 28/7/08-12:20PM: All minor changes sorted (Ish) and we're currently begining to alter Graphics and Images. Except the Logo, natch- You'll have to wait for Wednesday for

Re-Vamp Update #1

CURRENT STATUS: All the more minor changes are being made. We're aproaching finishing these, and will be moving onto some bigger things.

All direct from TR.

Forum Re-Vamp Updates

We are currently updating the board. Our annual Re-Vamp will be complete on Wednesday 30th July and many improvments will of been made and all feeback will of been considered & taken into place. Thank you!

For all Progress Logs, check the upcoming posts.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Forum Re-Vamp

With the Re-Vamp coming on Monday, all progress reports will be posted on the blog straight away. The forum will be back up no Wednesday fully re-vamped and improved.

KNTV Updates

Biggest KNTV Update To Date!!

OK, lately KNTV has been slightly lifeless- Sure, there's the Third Series of our flagship show The Doomy Blastoise running every Saturday, (More on that later...) and the odd Alternate Vortex, Gaming Trailer or Doctor Who clip, but that's it, realy. Well, have we got some suprises in store for you...


Blastoise Updates

The first of these is that of the Third Series of TDB will not only be broadcast on Saturdays, but also on Wednesdays too! The latest episode, Electrifing Enoucnter will be up tonight on the KNTV Channel, and then Episode Four (See bellow) is on Wednesday.

Ah, but there's somthing else. Episode Four of Series Three has a shock title that'll only come about WHEN WATCHING THE EPISODE- Yes, outside the actualy video, it's refured to as "Third Wind", but then in it you'll discover it's REAL title... Looks like Wednesday can't come soon enough!

Oh, but most excitingly of all, The Doomy Blastoise will return in a newly-commisioned a Fourth Series at some point in the future! Probaly next year, but we'll see what the future holds...

Charizard Update

Quick one this- The Doomy Charizard has also had a second series commisioned. Again, if you don't mind thinking ahead, it's comnig December '08/January '09, and will have some interesting changes...

Alternate Option Update

Gibbon-Master's upcoming series, Alternate Option, is currently being scripted by himself and Gorrila-Master. Nothnig except the original Press Annoucnment is known to anyone, (Even me!!) but -Whisper it- He is asking if I want to write a couple of episodes. More info soon, but he HAS confirmed to that Alternate Option will run for a total of 23 Episodes when it is realised in the future.

New Shows!!

Pichu Pichu!!

After becomnig a running joke here at KN Towers, Pichu is now getting his own series. Entitled Pichu: Hit & Run, it'll show... Actualy, you can find that out. But we'll assure you it's a far cry from Blastoise's other spin-off, The Doomy Charizard. The series will comprise of Ten episodes, written by Toaroni & Garncko. (As Co-Writers together for each episode, not as each writing seperate episodes)

It's all an Illusion...

Another KNTV show coming out is the brilliant (If we say so ourselfs) show, Illusion. Following the story of Dave Jones as he enters a world of mystery and crime in the world's createst Detective Agency, the series will be written by Toaroni and Gibbon-Master, and will star TR and Gibbon, as well as Grancko, Gorrila and Rip.

More Music!

While it's not exactly new, KN will be realising a new piece of music (Like the Brawl, Who and The World Ends With You music) or a Music Video (See KN's most popular video, the LEGO Music Video, or alternativly the Sonic & Smash Bros. ones.) every Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, plus another odd one throguhout the week.


News on the News...

After the launch of the New-Look KN Forums, we'll be realsing a weekly KNTV newsletter whenever updates happen. Otherwise, it'll just be a gathering of all shwos that week.

In addition to this, all updates on KNTV and all videos will be appearing on the blog!


FIVE new Altenrate Vortex shows are due to Debut today! Whoopie!!

Toaroni, Head of KNTV, Over and out.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Alternate Vortex Round-Up

The latest Altenrate Vortex videos...

Blastoise Is Back!

Blastoise Returns!

Yesterday was our annviersary, and what better way to celelbrate it then with a new for KN's Mascot- The Doomy Blastoise?!

The new series' premier episode -"Press Start To Continue"- will, erm, premier tonight at 5:00 PM-ish, will be written by Toaroni, and will feature an ALL-NEW theme tune, but don't worry- It's not that diffrent, but we're sure you'll love it!

More news as it comes!! TONIGHT!!

11th July- Forum Annviersary!!

The Forum's Annviersary was yesterday. Yay.

E3 Countdown: Day 5


TR's back with more wishes he wants to forward to Nintendo...

Pikmin 3

Miyamoto said it himself: "The Wii Remtote is the sort of controller that would work realy well with a game like Pikmin."- And it would. Hence this article being written.

So, what would make a third outing for Captain Olmiar, Louie and the Pikmin even more spechial? Well for starters there would HAVE to be Online Play, surely? And a headset would be ncie so you could discuss plans in an Online Co-Op mode, and pit yourself against another pair of people from somewhere else in the world. The plot could also go on in leaps and bounds- While Pikmin has never been that plot-orientated, it has an opotunaty, and if it seezed it, it would be marvelous.

Now just one thing to say (Or do): *Sounds Pikmin whistle*

Friday, July 11, 2008

E3 Countdown: Day #4


KN's other head -Finaly!- gives a look at why he wants to spend so many horus of his life wandering aimlessly around a village souley populated with animals who are pretty much clones of another.... 

Animal Crossing


Everyone's been anticipating AC Wii, After some thought It'll  be hard running two towns at once because of the DS Version. But then your favourite bear on Wild World moves out. Then you give up. Now It'll be Easier with the Wii version. There's always been at least 50 new villagers in each game, and this will be the Fourth in the Series.

It's Practically confirmed! The 'Big Game' Is Huge... So is Animal Crossing... It appeals to everyone... So does  Animal Crossing... Great! Its Animal Crossing! It's gonna work REALLY well on Wii!

Now theres just one thing to say: GO K.K. RIDER!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

E3 Countdown- Day 3


KN's latest recruit reaches for the stars. But floats there first. Then eats them. Then writes his bit for the countdown...

Kirby Wii (The Crystal Shards Part 2)

And he's out local Metal/Hard-Rock King.

The game I would like to see at E3 is a new Kirby game. Kirby is the most awesome little pink ball you could wish for. I would love the game to be a follow up to Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, which rocked. I believe that if they keep the same “two power ups makes a new power up” mechanic and the same platforming game play, then this could be a real winner. All they would need to do is up the difficultly and this could rival Mario Galaxy as the best Wii Game.

Seeing as Kirby does not really have any quotes (and if he does, my world has been turned around) I’ll have the final word on this article:
“Rock on. God bless and eating your enemies makes you more powerful (unless Kirby lied to me)”.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

E3 Countdown: Day #2

Day Two: Gibbon

KN's local monkey and Games Editor (Not to mention Co-Administrator) takes on the universe...


Gibbon's spent his entire life dreaming of one of these.

OK, I guess I have to promise that this is possibly the only time we'll ever say this here on the KN E3 Blog, but honestly: This is my favorate Game Series Of All-Time. For me, Lyat Wars is the single greatest game ever made, and Fox ranks among my Top couple of Game Characters Ever, so it's a little obvious that I'd be after a StarFox game on Wii. But honestly- Just imagien the possibilties. It'd be great.

Firstly, I'll start with online play. Command showed it can be done, so why not do it on a grander scale? Say, 36 Spaceships, (Let's not just limit it to just Arwings- Bring in all sorts of stuff!) all flying around at once. With multiple people using one Wii, a la Mario Kart. And also, let's have very little limits. Let us fly anywhere, ducking and diving like a mad thing.

The main game should be longer then usual, and have a couple of extra segments to break the flying up, but not in Assult style. How about being able to fly the Great Fox on occasions, or maybe the odd Landmaster level. A couple of ground-based levels would be nice, too. Espechialy if we're just in the same place as the huge war, exploring the entire world, pretty much open-ended, but just trying to take down enemy aircrafts. (Or reach a point to take on a Landmaster or somthing.)

Plot-Wise, as mentioned above, how about a Great War breaking out in the Lyat System, and the StarFox team are forcfully reunited after breaking up once more in Command to take on the enemy forces, lead by a classic StarFox villian- Say Andross or Wolf- and so you enter the greatest game since Lyat Wars.

Now all that remains is a name. I'd suggest one of these:

StarFox: Shadow Of Lyat
StarFox: End Of Days
StarFox: The Final Stand
StarFox: Revenge

Just one thing left to say now: DO A BARREL ROLL!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

E3 Countdown!

The E3 08 Countdown Is Here!!

Here we are again. It feels like no time (Just a year!) since we where hereing first news of Mario Kart on Wii, and the rather odd Xbox 360 controller with a Keyboard built onto it. Since then, we've seen some of the best games ever come out. And they hope to top it?!

Well, we'll be counting down to E3 "In Style"- A look at what WE want every single day, here on the blog. Plus much more stuff!


The bosses wishlist! Today, KN's Founder/Editor/Administrator/Webmaster looks at the game that he wants confirmed most, to kick off the countdown...


Come On! Show Me Ya Moves! 

With rules against a Captain N game put into action, and various other people already having reserved there articles, I'm plumping for F-Zero- Nintendo's high-speed racer, starring one of the coolest game charatcers of all-time: Captain "Show Me Ya Moves!" Falcon himself.

So, what could Nintendo add to the latest edition in the series, then? Well, for starters theres online play, which would be essential- Then you've also got the fact that while nota weapon system as hinted by someone who claimed to have got wind of "F-Zero Z" early, some sort of extra element could be added into the game to add more skill then the previous titles had, making it a bit more fun and possibly adding replay value over Mario Kart- Somthing F-Zero has never been able to pluck out of it's Gold Falcon-Emproyded hat before.

Now there's just one thing left to say: "SHOW ME YA MOVES!"


KN's local monkey and Games Editor (Not to mention Co-Administrator) takes on the universe...


Gibbon's spent all his life trying to get a ride...

OK, I guess I have to promise that this is possibly the only time we'll ever say this here on the KN E3 Blog, but honestly: This is my favorate Game Series Of All-Time. For me, Lyat Wars is the single greatest game ever made, and Fox ranks among my Top couple of Game Characters Ever, so it's a little obvious that I'd be after a StarFox game on Wii. But honestly- Just imagien the possibilties. It'd be great.

Firstly, I'll start with online play. Command showed it can be done, so why not do it on a grander scale? Say, 36 Spaceships, (Let's not just limit it to just Arwings- Bring in all sorts of stuff!) all flying around at once. With multiple people using one Wii, a la Mario Kart. And also, let's have very little limits. Let us fly anywhere, ducking and diving like a mad thing.

The main game should be longer then usual, and have a couple of extra segments to break the flying up, but not in Assult style. How about being able to fly the Great Fox on occasions, or maybe the odd Landmaster level. A couple of ground-based levels would be nice, too. Espechialy if we're just in the same place as the huge war, exploring the entire world, pretty much open-ended, but just trying to take down enemy aircrafts. (Or reach a point to take on a Landmaster or somthing.)

Plot-Wise, as mentioned above, how about a Great War breaking out in the Lyat System, and the StarFox team are forcfully reunited after breaking up once more in Command to take on the enemy forces, lead by a classic StarFox villian- Say Andross or Wolf- and so you enter the greatest game since Lyat Wars.

Now all that remains is a name. I'd suggest one of these:

StarFox: Shadow Of Lyat
StarFox: End Of Days
StarFox: The Final Stand
StarFox: Revenge

Just one thing left to say now: DO A BARREL ROLL!


KN's latest recruit reaches for the stars. But floats there first. Then eats them. Then writes his bit for the countdown...

Kirby Wii (The Crystal Shards Part 2)

And he's out local Metal/Hard-Rock King. 

The game I would like to see at E3 is a new Kirby game. Kirby is the most awesome little pink ball you could wish for. I would love the game to be a follow up to Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, which rocked. I believe that if they keep the same “two power ups makes a new power up” mechanic and the same platforming game play, then this could be a real winner. All they would need to do is up the difficultly and this could rival Mario Galaxy as the best Wii Game.

Seeing as Kirby does not really have any quotes (and if he does, my world has been turned around) I’ll have the final word on this article:
“Rock on. God bless and eating your enemies makes you more powerful (unless Kirby lied to me)”.


KN's other head -Finaly!- gives a look at why he wants to spend so many horus of his life wandering aimlessly around a village souley populated with animals who are pretty much clones of another.... 

Animal Crossing


Everyone's been anticipating AC Wii, After some thought It'll  be hard running two towns at once because of the DS Version. But then your favourite bear on Wild World moves out. Then you give up. Now It'll be Easier with the Wii version. There's always been at least 50 new villagers in each game, and this will be the Fourth in the Series.

It's Practically confirmed! The 'Big Game' Is Huge... So is Animal Crossing... It appeals to everyone... So does  Animal Crossing... Great! Its Animal Crossing! It's gonna work REALLY well on Wii!

Now theres just one thing to say: GO K.K. RIDER!


TR's back with more wishes he wants to forward to Nintendo...

Pikmin 3

Miyamoto said it himself: "The Wii Remtote is the sort of controller that would work realy well with a game like Pikmin."- And it would. Hence this article being written.

So, what would make a third outing for Captain Olmiar, Louie and the Pikmin even more spechial? Well for starters there would HAVE to be Online Play, surely? And a headset would be ncie so you could discuss plans in an Online Co-Op mode, and pit yourself against another pair of people from somewhere else in the world. The plot could also go on in leaps and bounds- While Pikmin has never been that plot-orientated, it has an opotunaty, and if it seezed it, it would be marvelous.

Now just one thing to say (Or do): *Sounds Pikmin whistle*


TR here. Looks like Gibbon's been somewhat naughty. Just to say, blog extras might be stopping. Sorry!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Journey's End


Doctor Who Ends...

Good news or bad news? Choose which comes first, and risk creating a new parelell world in the process.

Bad News: Doctor Who's final proper episode for TWO WHOLE YEARS in on saturday, when Steven Moffat takes over from Russell T Davis as head writter and executive producer. Expect every weekend to be far less exciting not only for the rest of this year, but for next year too, when we only get the four episodes....

Good News: It's set to be one of the best stories ever. Simple as that.

So then, what with the story Russell T Davis has created over the last four years coming to a close, and all loose ends being tied up, we'll be celelbrating the Good News, by doing a week of new conent related to Doctor Who, begining two days ago. Which weforgot about. Never mind.

Sorry, as well as clips and Alternate Vortex, we'll have reviews and mroe stuff up! Enjoy!

Oh, and expect around 45 things up- One for every mintue of an average episode! (Although this week's, JOURNEY'S END is a whopping 65 Minutes)

New Stuff!

TR's added quite a bit today in preperatino for the summer. Check it out at:

Friday, July 4, 2008

Warning in advance

TR's plannnig ahead. He's looking at what he'll do when the site goes down- All new features and stuff in preperatino for the launch of the New Site. Expect an official annoucnment soon. But for now, just stick to the blog- He never looks here. Mainly because he knows he'll have to strangle me if he does, and that'll result in less reviewers and stuff.

Untill enxt time,

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I'm now updating all the stuff around the sidlines. The poll is closed (With Precisely 0 Votes!!) and the Staff team is out of date, along with more stuff.

See ya,

Oh, Hi

Realised I've missed several months. Never mind. Could be worse.


I missed our annviersary! That's how thick I am!

But anyway, I've finaly got it to register under my name when I'm on the blog- And soon enough, Grancko & Ghosty will register as seperate people too! Hold tight, I'll get to work on this...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Blastoise is Back! (Ssh...)

I won't say any more, or TR will throtle me if he notices, but TDB IS HAVING A THIRD SERIES AT SOMEPOINT THIS YEAR. Early this eyar, probaly. Expect it next month or so.


I've more-or-less covered everything recent. More soon that'll be exclusive and stuff. I'll try and sneak some stuff without TR noting, but it'll be hard...

TDC: Episode One

TDC: Episode Guide

Episode #1: Starters' Song (Grancko)
Episode #2: Electric Shocks (Grancko)
Episode #3: Searching far and Wide (Grancko)
Episode #4: Micro Machines (Toaroni)
Episode #5: TBA (Toaroni)
Episode #6: TBA (Gorrila-Master)
Episode #7: TBA (Grancko)
Episode #8: TBA (Toaroni)
Episode #9: TBA (TBA)
Episode #10: Meet your Maker (Grancko)
Episode #11: TBA (Grancko)

Toaroni would like to add that his title at the moment is complete irrelevent as a blog extra.

The Doomy Charizard Round-Up 1

In his own series, no less!

Well it was only a matter of time. Now that the Doomy Blastoise has become so popular with members, you could go as far as saying it's Knight-Nui's mascot, it was only a matter of time before one of the series' most mysterious and major charctears, Charizard, got examined more.

And the other enevitable thing? It was -surely- not long before a spin-off occured?

So put two and two together and you have six The Doomy Blastoises' first ever spin-off: The Doomy Charizard! The series will span ten episodes, in a simular format to The Doomy Blastoise, will be realised weekly on the KNTV YouTube channel.

The series is being made by Grancko, and will start next firday, and will continue from there. Previews & trailers can be expected to be launched shortly before the debut episode...

More info soon, from Grancko.


We can EXCLUSIVLY UNVEIL now the "Staff" behind Charizard, somewhat more exciting then that of The Doomy Blastoise has been so far...

Writer: Grancko
Director: Toaroni
Prodcuer: Grancko

This cna also link to a future announcment about the TDB universe, too... But stay tuned for updates on it, before it's debut on Friday!

Yet More!

After a quick problem with it, we can say that Charizard's debut miught be pushed back to Sataday (A base file has been wiped, wrecking the first episode just as it was nearing completion) and the "Roles" of the team have been altered:

Writer: Grancko
Director: Grancko/Toaroni
Prodcuer: Toaroni

We can also unveil that the series will comprise of 11 Episodes, as opposed to 10, and 2.5 of these will be written and directed by Toaroni, creator, director, writter, etc of The Doomy Blastoise!

Old News

Charizard is starting TONIGHT. See the channel at 5:00 for Charizard's debut...

New News


Grancko's gone and realised it see the topic!

Newer New News

Charizard Doubles Up!

OK, so you've wtahced the debut of The Doomy Charizard by now, right? Well in a couple of days time you'll be able to watch the second episode! No, by "Couple" We don't mean seven, we mean three!

Yes, Charizard's first series is gonig for Blastoise's first series set up of Two a week, one on Monday, one on Friday! So Charizard's next battle will be here on the Monday. There's somthing else to be said...